Angel Disco Love music video (non-official)
It’s my masterpiece project, Angel Disco Love an animated music video, the story is talked about a boy who met his love in the disco dancing pool. While he is great at dancing, he doesn't have the same confidence to pursue his love so he falls into his imagination.
It’s my masterpiece project, Angel Disco Love an animated music video, the story is talked about a boy who met his love in the disco dancing pool. While he is great at dancing, he doesn't have the same confidence to pursue his love so he falls into his imagination.
This video combines the technology of 3D and 2D animation and motion graphics, it blend fantasy and romance, bringing you back to the 70s Disco world.
這是於英國研究所完成的畢業作品,靈感來自台灣樂團落日飛車的歌曲Angel Disco Love 與電影Saturday Night Fever,故事描述主角對Disco舞蹈很有信心,但卻沒有自信追到女主角,而陷入對喜歡的女主角的無盡幻想中。
Creative & Art Direction • Script • 2D & 3D Motion Design
Creative & Art Direction • Script • 2D & 3D Motion Design
Personal Project
Personal Project

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